Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Beauty Icon of the Week

This week's Beauty Icon is the gorgeous Debi Mazar! She is an actress in films like Goodfellas and shows like HBO's Entourage. She also has a cooking show Extra Virgin with her Italian husband on the Cooking Channel and hosts a similar web series on youtube called Under the Tuscan Gun. The unique beauty started out her career as a makeup artist and most notably did her good friend Madonna's makeup for a Broadway play in 1988. In addition to her busy schedule she has also recently formulated her own line of natural body creams and scrubs made from the olive trees on her property in Fiesole, Italy.
With her remarkable features, its no wonder she is often compared to the vintage face of Barbie.
Mazar, 46, attributes her good looks to following simple rules such as drinking plenty of water to smooth out lines, red wine for its antioxidant power, taking vitamins, doing cardio for circulation, and getting proper sleep (she was once an insomniac). Also, she claims to have been using Dr. Hauschka Skin Care products for almost 30 years and is a loyal devotee of the moon manicure (or half-moon manicure), a retro look which leaves the "moons" (or the 1/8 inch portion of nail closest to the nailbed and cuticle) nude or white in contrast to the color of the rest of the nail.
 Get Debi's makeup look after the jump!

To get Debi's signature makeup look:

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